Audi - The simulation

Once upon a time, Audi’s social content strategy was to shoot “car porn with a plot.” AKA conceptual product photography.

In this story, we took a trip out of this world—driving the A5 cabriolet to an actual Mars Habitation Sim.

The A5 has landed.

The A5 has landed.

Deep in the sun-scorched deserts of Utah, a scientific endeavor is underway.

An intrepid, turbocharged explorer.

An intrepid, turbocharged explorer.

On final approach.

On final approach.

At Mars Desert Research Station, researchers simulate what is needed to colonize the Red Planet. During the simulation, you’re either inside the habitat, or you’re in a full spacesuit—no exceptions.

A commute stranger than science fiction.

The barren red hills provide an appropriate setting for their experiments, and the isolation that would accompany an empty planet. For weeks at a time, these scientists investigate everything from biology, psychology, to geology.

Never feel closed in again.

And by their calculations, the day humans reach Mars will be here sooner than you think.

Proximity alert.

Proximity alert.

Unlimited headroom at the push of a button.

Unlimited headroom at the push of a button.

Where no convertible has gone before.

Where no convertible has gone before.

All systems go.

All systems go.

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Photography by Reuben Wu

Art Directed by Kyle Johnson

Creative Directed by Jeremy Diessner

Group Creative Directed by Joel Kaplan